The True Story of Florence Foster Jenkins, The Worst Singer in the World
by Peter Quilter
Amidst the 1940's austerity, one sparkling socialite named Florence Foster Jenkins takes New York, and the world, by storm with her enthusiasm as a soprano who boasts far from perfect pitch. Based on a true story, Florence slides from note to note and recital to recording session surrounded by a dedicated entourage who can't help but feast on Florence's joy. Warbles, screeches, and laughter score a delightful melody of moments leading up to her sold-out show at Carnegie Hall. Known as the worst opera singer who ever lived, her confidence and passion ensure memories of her adventurous spirit will never die.
Rated PG-13 | February 9 - February 23, 2024
Cast & Crew:
Director: Byron Holder
Stage Manager: Linda Fullhart
Set Construction: Greg Kozakis
Construction Crew: Vince Connor, Steve Felton, Greg Kozakis,
and John Paschal
Set Painters: Judy Bauman Blalock and Linda Fullhart
Lighting Design: Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips
Projection and Sound Design: A.J. DeLaOsa
Costume Design: Kristin Moore
Prop Design: Abel Casillas
Light Board Op: Dave Fullhart
Sound Board Op: Emma Johnson
Florence Foster Jenkins ........................................................... Janette Oswald
Cosme McMoon..............................................................................Brendan Tetter
St. Clair................................................................................................... Greg Phillips
Dorothy ..................................................................................... Leigh Wyatt Moore
Maria.........................................................................................................Crystal Chio
Mrs. Verrinder-Gedge ............................................................ Laura Sosnowski