There are many ways you can support Runway Theatre!
Grapevine's Runway Theatre, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization bringing the community quality entertainment for over thirty-five years. As an all volunteer theater, we rely on the generosity of support groups, individual donors, and ticket sales for financial support. Our amazing volunteers do everything: from changing air filters to building the sets to directing and acting and fundraising.

Or, shop and support Runway Theatre!
Designate giving at Kroger…
It's easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards® with your Kroger Rewards number! Visit to create or log in to your Kroger account and search for THE END OF THE RUNWAY PLAYERS, INC or UX461. When you find us, click Enroll.
Now, whenever you swipe your registered Kroger rewards card or use the phone number associated with your Kroger rewards card when shopping, your purchases count towards supporting Runway Theatre and you still receive your traditional points for personal use. That's doubling the benefit of every purchase!