To Die For
By Caroline Smith
It was a dark and stormy night…not just inside the imagination of best-selling historical romance writer Carla Woods; the night really was dark and stormy when a mysterious man swept Carla off her feet before he’d so much as stepped across her gothic threshold. But not everything is at it first seems. Could this be happily ever after, or payback for Carla’s passion for playing dangerous mind games with her assistants? Filled with twists and turns, this comedic thriller is sure to entertain from Chapter One to Final Bows.
Rated PG | September 30 - October 16, 2022
Cast & Crew:
Director: Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips
Stage Manager: Tanya Lippe
Set Design: Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips, Greg Phillips
Construction Crew: Greg Phillips, Vince Connor, John Paschal, Greg Kozakis
Set Painters : Amy Jackson, Tripp Jackson, Tanya Lippe, Kary Lippe,
Preston Lippe, Ruth Lippe, Greg Phillips, Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips,
Amber Sebastian
Costume Designers: Patsy Daussat and Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips
Lighting Designer: Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips
Sound Designer.: Amy Jackson
Board Operators: AJ De La Osa, Preston Lippe, Emily-Ann Moriarty-Phillips
Backstage Crew: Greg Robertson and Debbie Reynolds
Carla Woods .......................................................................Cory Carter
Grace Hunter........................................................Lexie Conner Perry
Edward................................................................……….........Greg Kozakis
Janet Bailey/Radio Announcer.............................Debbie Reynolds